Sunday, March 18, 2012

If you can't laugh at your self then who can you laugh at? Part ll

Nurture it, feed it, water it, and stay on the job.
 As some of you may remember, a friend gave me this plant.  

These photo's were taken shortly after I received it and several months after I began taking care of it.
 It wouldn't take me very long to figure out who I wanted to be with.  How about you?


Thursday, March 1, 2012

What defines me?

The single Life
I just broke up with yet another boyfriend.
He voiced not so successful reasons, on my part, as to why this happened to us.
So in trying to remind myself that I was actually a very good person
before he had proceeded to obliterate any of my feelings of  worth, 
I found my way back to myself.
I'm probably sounding like a typical angry women.
I racked my brain for days.  I finally decided that in order to feel better
about myself, for myself, with myself, by myself,  I had to figure out
what defined me as the good human being I remembered being.
That was a ruff one.  Everyone thinks of me first as a talented artist
(very talented).
But what truly defines me are several of my values.
I am very honest.
I'm very loyal.
And I place great importance on the order in our world.
So during my struggles and my confrontations with myself,
I found that I wish to be a kinder more gentler person.
A kinder person with my voice, with my words, with the way I respond to people
and to the way I respond to disapointments I experience with people or things.
I've got a few things going for me, wouldn't you say?
I think I can!
I think I can!
I think I can!
I know I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!